Monday, August 10, 2009

Putting My Business In The Street.

I know you are sitting there saying this to yourself...

"Damn. Adrienne is pretty fun. Ha ha ha. I really like her blog. She puts me up on music, parties in the D, funny shit, random shit and even fashion for BOTH men AND women. But I know she's got some wild ass personal stories. How come she doesn't mention any of them."

That I do.

I would love to go on and on and about the dumb shit I get into with guys. But here's the problem. Most of them read this blog. (Well at least the 35% that can read)

So unless I move to another state or stop liking dudes who like the same things I like, those kind of stories are going to be limited. But damn do I have good ones!


OH! Except for this guy. I met him in Vegas. He was from Switzerland. He said he spoke bad English. I said: (Not making this up)

"making out has no language" *I then licked the side of his face

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