Friday, August 7, 2009

X Large. You Up On That???

I used to be back in the day when Mike D from the Beastie Boys was a share holder in the business. You could only get it in New York, LA and Japan at thet time. Since I was in college and living off of Tostino pizza rolls and dressing like an asshole I never made my way to see what these pieces really looked like. I went to NYC like 9 years ago and hit up their store in the meat packing district (Pause), but thier gear was sparse.

I haven't really thought about the brand until today when I took a peek at thier 2009
Fall Look Book.

Let's start carrying this in the D please and thank you.

I really like guys who dress like this...for the record...

X Large You should really holler at Asher Roth to be your spokesperson. Kind of a perfect fit if you ask me. But who's asking me? I'm just a lil' ole tastemaker.

veiw more here----> hypebeast

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it'd be dope if the D started carrying this. Gotta make some calls to Burn Rubber.
