Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's A New Era!

Remember when cats used to rock the New Era's with the tags on 'em? Not just the size sticker, but the actual tag? Yea. Don't blame me for that. Blame it on the rain. It was a fashion trend! Shit...I remember when the New Era's with the plastic size adjustments were the illest! LA Radiers anyone??? I will even own up to the fact that I thought there was something special about a guy who wore the red NY Fitted. I will EVEN CONFESS...that part of the reason I dated my ex was because he was wearing a throwback Yankee fitted when we met. Just the Y son...no N...just the Y. I'm a sucker for hats. What can I say? Well I can say this. New Era has perpetuated a generation of stupidity! I love a fitted...I would buy every single one in the store! I can count on my hand the number of girls besides me who can rock a fitted the right way...(see below for reference!)

Yes. I will keep the size sticker on.

But what I would like to issue a Cease & Desist on is leaving the WHOLE PLASTIC STICKER ON YOUR DAMN HAT. You guys look dumb. It's not sweet. Seriously. I worked at Foot Locker for a minute...this is what happened...People were coming in and stealing stickers off of hats and sporting them on their bootleg gas station shit.

Sooo...New Era and Foot Locker said, "Ok...well lets put a big ass plastic cover on top of the circle so these deadbeats stop stealing them"

Bet! It worked! Until some doucher probably came in and said.."ooo I can't steal the circle no more? Ok...I'll rock the plastic cover" ...idiot...

Now if you didn't know this, I understand this and fault you in now way. But I bet you rocked your hat w/o a sticker at all. You walked around feeling unfulfilled, if not slightly naked? No Worries...Just take the whole thing off, turn it over and look closely. There is a slight line around the circle, just cut it and BAM! Your big ass head size can be proudly showcased once again. But this time not like a damn herb.

1 comment:

  1. i always take the sticker off. thanks for the green light remix. nice.

