Sunday, March 22, 2009

Social Experimentation at It's Finest.

So lately I have had a little too much drama rama for my own personal taste with interpersonal relationship and such, so I decided to take myself off the market. (Meat Market that is).

I had a ladies night at my place last night that involved cupcakes, martinis, spinach dip and things that vibrated oh and an after party at Greektown Casino. I had been planning it for weeks. I kept thinking to myself, as the days approached, that the evening is evolving into a bachelorette party. So I turned it into just very own bachelorette party.

But Adrienne, who are you getting married to? (Good Question)

I am marrying the streets, the game the hustle. Not really. I just figured I plan to be a bachelorette the rest of my natural born days so I might as well kick it off right!

So I was talking to a friend about life and all that shit over a big bottle of wine on Friday and she says....

"The problem with guys...well people in they want what they can't have! Throw a ring on your finger and watch what happens!"

So I put it to the test. I made an announcement that I was having a bachelorette party and had my girl find the biggest fake rock possible.

And let me just say for the record... motherfuckers just started coming out of the wood work. I should have walked around with a boom box playing "It's Raining Men". Dudes were asking for my phone number, asking why we never dated, trying to get me to hang out! What????

Went to Greektown last night with a big fat rock on my finger. My buddy who was DJ'ng played right along and announced it was my bachelorette party! I might as well have hooked Captain Morgan's up to a fire hose because free drinks were flying at me like it was a tsunami!

I have never been poked, grabbed, smacked, whistled and stared at more than I was last night.

Because I was wearing a ring? Really? That baffles me.

More social experiments to come.

1 comment:

  1. interesting. also i wish i could have been there for thiss sex and the city-esque moment. sounds like fun!
